Study Abroad Opportunities

Brittany Pomierski ‘25 (Biomedical Sciences) in hanbok.

Brittany Pomierski ‘25 (Biomedical Sciences). Brittany received the Freeman-Asia Scholarship to study in Seoul, Korea, for the Fall 2023 semester. As a Biomedical Sciences student, 布列塔尼正在学习韩国语,以便在未来的医师助理职业生涯中使用韩国语. 她在国外的经历提高了她对韩国语言和文化的理解(包括品尝了她最喜欢的泡菜泡菜和大江亭鸡)。.

The Freeman-ASIA program is designed to support U.S.有经济需要并计划到东亚或东南亚留学的美国本科生.

“奖学金”的一个类别实际上是“支持gvsu管理的本科生出国留学的竞争性国家奖学金”。! Of course, 你申请具有全国竞争力的第一步是与PIC密切合作,获得你选择的出国留学项目的批准(在开始申请外部资金之前,你需要确定你计划参加的项目和学期)。. 别忘了,GVSU还有很棒的“内部”出国留学奖学金,你可以通过 Padnos International Center 网站——这是你在制定留学预算时应该做的第一件事.

You will see the nationally competitive fellowship opportunities listed below, with links to the actual funding organization.

  • IIE Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship  为获得PELL学位的本科生,并为主修STEM专业的学生提供STEM补充课程(For students participating in a program administered by CIEE: ALL Gilman Applicants are Guaranteed a CIEE Gilman Go Global Grant of up to $2,500)
  • Bridging Scholarship for Study Abroad in Japan
  • IIE Freeman-Asia
  • Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program for U.S. Citizens | Embassy of Japan in the United States of America ( (含日本语言及/或文化专业本科生赴日留学机会)
  • Fund for Education Abroad (for students underrepresented in study abroad - community college transfer, minoritized identities, LGBTQIA, STEM majors, students in high financial need, students who have never been abroad)
  • Boren Scholarship (language immersion in a critical-need language) (for a provider or faculty-led study-abroad program administered by GVSU) and also...
  • Boren Scholarships -- Regional Flagship Language Program (for undergraduates:  intensive summer language study in the U.S. plus associated immersive language study in the fall semester at a specific Boren location for students committed to careers in the intelligence and security sectors of federal service; you'll also want to work with PIC to receive approval for study abroad, but these particular Flagship language programs are not administered by GVSU)
  • Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Award (minimum GPA - 3.75)
  • U.S.-Japan Council Toshizo Watanabe Endowed Scholarship
  • DIWC Fund - Diverse International Women of Color Fellowships for study abroad
  • Several nationally competitive fellowships are available for American Councils study-abroad programs: See

    • American Councils Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship: The American Councils Diversity & 包容奖学金提供给那些在海外学习和教育交流项目中一直代表性不足的学生. This includes, but is not limited to, individuals who identify with certain racial, sexual, ethnic, religious, gender, disability, age, origin, ancestry or veteran statuses. The scholarship is also available to first generation college students, students from low-income families, and students with a history of overcoming adversity. Awards typically range from $250 to $2,500. Learn More.
    • Dan E. Davidson Fellowship:为纪念美国教育理事会创始人兼名誉主席及其在博天堂官方领域四十年的领导地位而设立, the Dan E. 戴维森奖学金支持高素质和有资格的个人,否则他们将没有机会培养使他们能够运作的技能, negotiate, and establish ties in countries critical to U.S. 通过语言学习和区域研究课程学习经济、政治和社会利益. Carrying on Dr. Davidson’s legacy, 奖学金获得者表现出对成功的国际合作和发展美国与美国之间更大的相互了解的奉献精神.S. and countries around the world. Fellowships of up to $2,000 will be awarded for summer study, up to $6,000 for semester study and up to $12,000 for American Councils academic-year programs. Learn More.

当你考虑出国留学的选择时,请注意一些出国留学组织关注的是 substantive, hands-on research opportunities (in STEM and more); most offer financial assistance to students admitted into their programs. See International Undergraduate Research in the Office of Undergraduate Reseach and Scholarship at GVSU.

These and other fine study-abroad opportunities offer excellent, well-designed, 他们也是富布赖特美国学生项目的管道, to Peace Corps, to graduate study and to engagement in foreign service and international careers. You might explore, for example, the IES-Oxford, IES-University College London, and other IES programs, DIS - Study in ScandinaviaCIEE, CET and the London School of Economics' General Course, a year-long non-degree program. 您需要与Padnos国际中心的顾问密切合作,完成GVSU学生出国留学的申请流程. Don't forget that your financial aid award will travel in some percentage with you! And also, again - all of these study-abroad organizations offer additional financial assistance to students admitted into their programs.

*** PLEASE NOTE*** As you explore GVSU-administered study abroad opportunities, 你也可以探索这些奖学金机会(全国竞争机会), at undergraduate and graduate levels, not administered by GVSU):  

For Undergraduates:

  • US-UK Fulbright Summer Institute (summer academic program at a participating British university for U.S. 留学人数不足/没有留学经历/平均绩点3分的一、二年级学生.7 or higher; eligible students must have two years of undergraduate study remaining after the summer Fulbright experience)
  • Cultural Vistas Scholarships and Programs (including CBYX, 但随着国务院为本科生和校友赞助的项目越来越多,“文化展望”的实习和海外工作项目使美国的学生能够获得更多的机会.S. 学生和专业人士通过持续沉浸在国外发展当今全球经济所需的不断扩大的能力 language learninginterdisciplinary problem solvingempathy, and respect for cultural attitudes and ideas, to name a few)
  • Douglass-O'Connell Global Internship (这是一个在爱尔兰都柏林为期八周的暑期实习项目,面向15名杰出的美国学生.S. undergraduate students annually who are underrepresented in study abroad, 在此期间,他们将扩大对爱尔兰历史和文化的了解,同时获得实际的工作经验。
  • Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program 暑期现场或虚拟沉浸式语言强化学习一门急需的语言- I.e., Arabic, Russian, Bangla, Tewa, Mandarin, Hindi, Farsi or other; U.S. undergraduates, seniors in the summer immediately after graduation and graduate students are eligible)
  • Funding for an Internship in the Netherlands - Naf.. The Netherland-American Foundation ( USA2Holland为成绩优异和低收入家庭的美国大学生提供实习支持, providing financial support, travel stipend and visa support to attain experiential, uniquely international work experience in the Netherlands. 这个项目是为高度自我激励的学生,他们有独立性,有动力找到自己的荷兰实习,但缺乏在荷兰旅行和生活的经济手段.) 
  • USINDO Summer Studies Program: Study Abroad in Indonesia

For Graduate Students/Alumni (in some instances (FULBRIGHT, for example!), 如果学生想在毕业后立即攻读奖学金,则应在大三冬季学期开始申请。

Page last modified October 2, 2024